Question : how to free disk space on esx 4.1
I just installed ESX 4.1 and copied redhat iso image (about 3gb) to /vmimages; then I found / is almost full. then I deleted the iso file from my copy tool Winscp. The issue is the space is not free up.
[root@ESX1 vmimages]# du -h
190M ./tools-isoimages
2.9M ./floppies
4.0K ./images
193M .
[root@ESX1 vmimages]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc5 4.9G 4.5G 157M 97% /
/dev/sdb1 1.1G 82M 945M 8% /boot
/dev/sdc2 2.0G 40M 1.8G 3% /var/log
Is there any way to free this 3 gb space?
Answer : how to free disk space on esx 4.1
Oh no...not that long :)
Can you reboot the host, if you haven't done so already?
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