Question : Insert into ... where problems
Hi Experts
I have a small problem.
i am trying to insert a birthday from one table to another with the following statement;
INSERT INTO consumerattributes( BirthDate )
SELECT 'birthday'
FROM customers
WHERE `consumerattributes`.`cust
omerid` = `customers`.`customerId`
I get this error :
#1054 - Unknown column 'consumerattributes.custom
erid' in 'where clause'
What I'm trying to do is to populate the birthday field with the info from a older database, therefor the WHERE `consumerattributes`.`cust
omerid` = `customers`.`customerId`
I know that `consumerattributes`.`cust
omerid` exist. - It works if i just use
WHERE `customerid` = `customers`.`customerId`
but it just inserts the data in new rows :'(
I'm really hoping that you are able to help
Answer : Insert into ... where problems
Try this...
INSERT INTO consumerattributes([BirthD
SELECT Birthday FROM customers WHERE consumerattributes.custome
rid = customers.customerId
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