Question : Team Foundation Server 2010, deleted web site problem
I'm trying to configure TFS with SharePoint in a farm environment.
I Installed TFS, and SharePoint.
I installed the extension on the SharePoint Server.
Because the Web Site on port 80 is already used by SharePoint, I delete the SharePoint site on port 80.
I run the TFS configuration. The configuration created a new site on port 80.
Now, I needed to say to sharepoint to user the new web site created by TFS, so they can work togheter. The problem is that I deleted the newly created web site by mistake.
Now, in the configuration I got errors, and I don't see any option to re-create the application tier or delete it...
I don't now what to do next...
any idea ?
Answer : Team Foundation Server 2010, deleted web site problem
Ok we did it. We Recreate manually a web site with all the configuration. We took another TFS installation as a comparaison.
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