Question : How can I display previous month's records in January?
Hi Experts,
I'm using the following SQL to retrieve previous month's records:
SELECT * FROM ReportTable WHERE MonthOfReport LIKE '%" & MonthName(month(now)-1) & "%' AND YearOfReport like '2010'
How could I replace
YearOfReport like '2010'
with something that displays this year's records, but in January it dispays the previous year's December records.
I'd like to avoid updating the SQL every new year by typing in the actual year '2011' etc.
My goal is to display always the previous month's records.
Thank you very much.
Related Solutions:
How to request previous month's records in my sql's where clause?
Answer : How can I display previous month's records in January?
SELECT * FROM ReportTable WHERE MonthOfReport LIKE '%" & MonthName(month(now)-1) & "%' AND YearOfReport =
year(DATEADD(month, -1, getdate()))
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