Question : Blackberry device stopped synching after mailbox move
Current Environment:
Two Exchange 2010 Std servers:
Exch1 - CAS, HUB, and MB Role
Exch2 - MB Role
BES Express 5.0.1 was installed on Exch1 oringinally when all of the mailboxes resided on this server. Users and devices were synching perfectly fine. This past weekend, I moved all of the mailboxes from Exch1 to Exch2. After this move, all of our BB users are unable to sync to their BB. I have tried to delete the user and the device and re-run the activation, but no luck. I have tried both the wireless activation and USB, and no luck. Is there a way to cleanly delete a user and device from the BES Express? Is there a way to make the BES server pick up the user and the device as if it was connected and created for the first time?
EDIT: I ran the IEMStest util and got these error:
User, Name: CDO COM exception : Code = 80040705, WCode = 0505, Code meaning = IDispatch error #1285
Description = The Microsoft Exchange Server computer is not available. Either there are network problems or the Microsoft Exchange Server computer is down for maintenance. [Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store - [MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER(80
Thanks in advance for your help..
Answer : Blackberry device stopped synching after mailbox move
You need to apply the same access rights to Exch2 that you did on Exch1. Follow the article you used to set up the rights on Exch1 and go step-by-step and apply them to Exch2.
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