If you want to travers a table - like a Bill Of Materials table, then you can use a recursive CTE type query starting at @parent and then return the complete bill.
Does that sound a bit like what you are trying to do ?
By way of example, using a temp table instead (just for the example - you use your real table name)
create table #table (parentid int, inventoryID int, inventory_name varchar(100))
insert #table values (1,0,'Parent1')
insert #table values (1,2,'Parent1Child2')
insert #table values (2,3,'Parent2Child3')
insert #table values (3,0,'Parent3')
-- now we have some sampel data, the CTE recursive query
;with BOM_CTE as
(SELECT InventoryID, ParentID, inventory_name
FROM #Table
WHERE ParentID = 1
union all
SELECT T.InventoryID, T.ParentID, T.inventory_name
FROM #Table T
INNER JOIN BOM_CTE C on T.ParentID = C.InventoryID
select parentid, inventoryid as child_id, inventory_name from BOM_CTE