Question : Roaming profiles and DFS replication
Currently I have a file server. It contains all the profile directories. So, when someone logs into a terminal server, folder redirection loads the users home and profile folders from a DFS share.
Well, that san it slow, so we want to move it to faster disks.
A thought a co worker had was setting up replication between the servers. That seems to be straight forward. The problem we have is...
When a user logs in, it currently pulls from namespace A. If I set up replication, I have namespace A and B. How can i disable profiles loading from namespace A untill were ready to turn off namespace A and have everyone pull from namespace B.
I see something about Override referral ordering, but not sure if that's the solution.
Answer : Roaming profiles and DFS replication
The close request pending by optimus_nz states "optimus_nz has requested that this question be closed by accepting optimus_nz's comment #33092494 (0 points) as the solution for the following reason: there is no RWW for plain server 2008."
This is what I said in comment 32967451 - "No, there is no Remote Web Workplace for standard server". Why sis my comment not being accepted as an answer