Question : Comparing columns in a table
9637574 6/26/2007 12/08/08 4/26/1993 NONE ON FILE NONE ON FILE NONE ON FILE
9638580 2/17/2010 2/17/2010 NONE ON FILE NONE ON FILE NONE ON FILE 3/15/09
I have the following columns
Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7
I need to compare col2 to col3 and create an output with a "Y" or "N" if they match the same goes for col4 and col5, col6 and col7.
final table needs to look like
Col1 col2 col3 flag col4 col5 flag col6 col7 flag
1 1/1/01 2/1/01 Y 3/1/09 3/1/09 N 9/1/08 7/08/92 Y
Answer : Comparing columns in a table
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