Question : Sonicwall E5500 bandwidth/shaping vs Packetlogic PL5600
We recently upgraded to a Sonicwall E5500 and looking at the new features bandwidth mgmt & application firewall, I've been asked if we can disconnect our Pocera Packetlogic PL5600. Clearly I would close some granular controls, but above that, it appears that the E5500 application firewall does not allow one to block ALL P2P activity. Current bandwidth management is very simple based on vlans: voip, network/servers, hvac, faculty/staff, labs, students, and the E5500 appears to able to handle our existing rules. Any input would be greatly appreciated as I have no access to a test environment. Thank you.
Answer : Sonicwall E5500 bandwidth/shaping vs Packetlogic PL5600
I've not used this model, but I have with an NSA or TZ. Here is a document that describes how to block p2p.
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