Question : Beginner Java programming - Implementing a class
I am in an introductory Java programming class. This week we are learning about Classes and Methods. I will explain as best I can what I need in hopes that at the very least someone can tell me the name of what I am trying to accomplish.
First I need to print out a line of text //I've got this
Next, I need to prompt the user to enter the name of an item //got this too
Next, I need to print out the first line of text and concatenate the entered text //this part I've got
Then, I need to prompt the user to enter the name of another item //you guessed it, I can do this
Here is the part I can't figure out:
I need to print the initial text concatenated with the first entered text, then concatenate the second entered text
The first line of text is held in a String. I feel like it should go something like this(please forgive my lack of formatting):
String initText = "This is the initial text";
initText = initText + enteredText1;
initText = initText + enteredText2;
Can someone tell me what this process is called?
Answer : Beginner Java programming - Implementing a class
use String concatenate() method to append the text or use StringBuffer class
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