define service{
use generic-service ; Inherit values from a template
host_name <REMOVED> ; The name of the host the service is associated with
service_description PING - WAN ; The service description
check_command check_ping!200.0,20%!600.0,60% ; The command used to monitor the service
normal_check_interval 5 ; Check the service every 5 minutes under normal conditions
retry_check_interval 1 ; Re-check the service every minute until its final/hard state is determined
notification_period 24x7
notification_options w,u,c,r
define host{
use generic-switch ; Inherit default values from a template
host_name <REMOVED> ; The name we're giving to this switch
alias <REMOVED> ; A longer name associated with the switch
address <REMOVED> ; IP address of the switch
hostgroups firewalls ; Host groups this switch is associated with
notification_options d,u,r