Question : Clear Exchange 2010 transaction logs without taking backup
I'm setting up a 4 server DAG-group with Exhange 2010. Each server has a few TB on direct attached storage and also a few TB on luns (iSCSI lun's on 2 Netapp Filers). In out initial setup, there was no direct attached storage, only lun's, but this setup was getting way too expensive.
Each server will be hosting it's active database copies on the direct attached storage, and it's passive copies on the Netapp luns, as we will be using the NetApp Snapmanager to create snapshots. The transaction logs of these passive copies are getting truncated after each full backup (= NetApp Snapmanager snapshot), but the transaction logs on the active copies keep on growing, as they are never backed Up. Is there an easy way to clear these logs without taking a full backup of these databases?
Answer : Clear Exchange 2010 transaction logs without taking backup
you can enable circular logging on the DBs, this is a fully supported config but recommended with 3+ copies, but you still can use it.
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