Question : Login Script to add multiple network printers?

I'm no scripting guru, so is there a way to add multiple network printers to a user's login script at once?

I would like to give my accounts in AD a login script so they get all computers shared from the server by adding one login script.

Right now my script just gives other users one network printer using the printUI.dll /in /n \\server\share command line.

Is there a way to do this using printUI.dll or maybe a vbscript?

Use \\server\share1,2,3 in the script.

This would be EXTREMELY helpful to me!


Answer : Login Script to add multiple network printers?

if your are trying from 192.168.x.x , then you have to add a route on the ASA

route inside 192.168.x.x 255.255.x.x  <gw>

to allow ICMP

policy-map global_policy
 class inspection_default
inspect icmp
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