Question : Ping from Cisco Switch
I am running an extended ping from a cisco switch using various "TYPE of Service" Markings. When I put a 88 in type of service on switch ping my wireshark says it is a dscp 0x16: assured forwarding 23; ecn: 0x00
when I put a 33 in type of serivce on switch ping my wireshark says it is a dscp 0x08: Class Selector 1; ECN:0x01
when I put a 40 in type of service on switch ping my wireshark says it is a dscp 0x0a; Assured Forwarding 11; ECN:0x00
and so on and so on
I have a paper that shows me AF11, CS2, AF21, CS3.....AF41, EF etc All of those have names like "Best Effort, Network Management, Call-Signaling, Streaming Video, etc.
My question is how can I build a chart that cooresponds what my TOS or DSCP or PHB is and relate that to some exact number to put in cisco switch for tyupe of service to ping out and it will show up that way in wireshark.
thanks for your help
Answer : Ping from Cisco Switch
You could build the table...
Or just use one that's already made. :-)
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