Question : about ORA-00904: "ZIP": invalid identifier
Hi guys, I have this Ziptable and when I do
select * from ziptable; then it shows the result.....
But if I do select * from ziptable where Zip='02642';
Then error message comes....ORA-00904: "ZIP": invalid identifier
the datatype of the coloumns are fine.......
My zip table is.....
EDIT zip city State
1420 Fitchburg MA
02642 Harley PA
02145 Bridgewater MA
01624 Crusetown AK
03428 Berkley CA
03142 Manchester FL
01234 Highland RI
02143 Somerville MA
05639 Portsmouth AZ
09312 Oakland CT
05423 Oakland FL
02312 Harrinburgh AL
Please help me guys.... Thanks in advance
Answer : about ORA-00904: "ZIP": invalid identifier
is your ojbect names case sensitive?
But if I do select * from ziptable where zip='02642';
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