Question : Installing Small Business Server 2008 trail
I am very new to using a server. I was givien an old dual xeon server as a gift and i am trying to install sbs 2008's trial on it.
Right after i click install now it says " Load Driver" A required cd/dvd drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy, cd, dvd, or usb flash drive please insert it now.
I have tried to use the driver from the MB site but it didnt work. I thought about using a flash drive and it says select the driver:
Adaptec Serial ATA host Raid
I click next and the green bar runs.
it then says:
No new devices could be found. Make sure the driver files are correct.
The mohter board i have is a Supermicro x6dht-g
There is a raid card that says serial ata 5aid 5 pdc2-621 (on the card)
Any help would be great!
Answer : Installing Small Business Server 2008 trail
SBS2003 would work but I doubt you would find a trial for it now.
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