Question : mssql: problem with a select when clause
I am having this problem of
What i need is a way to exceute a where when the page is initially opened like this -
Select * from Table Where E.IsLockedOut = 'False'...
this will bring in a full query and a full page of records will be displayed.
but, later after the initial query, when a user entered some parameters, we want the where clause to excute a specified query. so... I have installed this where clause.
Where E.IsLockedOut = 'False' and (@Type is Null or [Type] = @Type) and
(@Make is Null or [Make] = @Make)
and these parameters
<asp:Parameter Name="Type" DefaultValue="" DbType="String"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="Make" DefaultValue="" DbType="String"/>
the problem is this is not working the intiall query when the page open nor when the user entered parametrs
when the page first opens the values should be null or nothing there are no parameters
so i want to excise the where clause like this Where E.IsLockedOut = 'False'
and later when the user enters parameters then excise the full where clause.
<asp:Parameter Name="Type" DefaultValue="NULL" DbType="String"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="Make" DefaultValue="NULL" DbType="String"/>
this worked
<asp:Parameter Name="Type" DefaultValue="Arborist Trucks" DbType="String"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="Make" DefaultValue="Norman" DbType="String"/>
Answer : mssql: problem with a select when clause
Let me clarify. Your VBA code in an mde is safe, so are forms and reports. But queries and table structures can be changed in an mde, even if it is digitally signed.
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