Question : how to use the results of a sql sub-select query in a where statement
I am creating a sql view and one of the columns I need comes from a different table that I can't join to. I am using a sub-select, within the query to get the data. The sub-select is as follows:
,CAST ((SELECT InvoiceNumber
FROM Invoicedata id
WHERE (id.ShipNum = sl.ShipNum)) AS Varchar(100))
AS Invoice
In a where clause, I am trying to return records where the Invoice is NULL. When I put the column Invoice into the where clause, it tells me Invoice is an invalid column name. Is there a way to use the Invoice column in the where clause?
Thanks in advance, JoMar
Answer : how to use the results of a sql sub-select query in a where statement
I would use a repater, which offers better customization of the output
yes you would need a nested repeater
here a simple tutorial on how to manipulate repeaters
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