Question : restore mail from backup exec information store backup
I have a cusotmer who has deleted some emails form the exchange mailbox and there exchange server is set to automatically delete to. So the only way to get these back is form tape. I read some articles of how to do this but have got stuck. I have created a recovery storage group. Then I right clicked on it and added database and it let me select my live mailbox store. I then went into backup exec select the mailbox store to recover but on the article i read it say just set the releavent settings on the exchange tab then click restore. Won't this just overwrite my live mailbox store as there is no option to restore to the recovery storage group. The only place I can see that option is in the exchange redirectuion tab but where it say to recover to a recovery storage group in brackets it says (exchange 2007 only)
Please can anyone help im must be missing something here
Answer : restore mail from backup exec information store backup
You don't mention which version of Backup Exec you were using. Was the store backed up using the GRT option? If so this would allow you to restore individual messages directly to a mailbox instead of restoring the entire store to extract messages.
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