Question : MYSQL Question
Hi Experts , i have a customer who is asking :
Here's the deal -- We are using mySQL to host a few databases.
In one of them, several of the tables are using the InnoDB data storage
engine in order to overcome an index length limitation with myISAM.
By default the InnoDB appears to be configured to have 6144kB free.
Is this configured to be auto-extending? We expect these tables to grow
to approx 100Megs or so.
If they are not auto-configuring, how do you recommend we
configure/manage them as the phpMyAdmin console does not appear to
expose an interface to accomplish this.
Alternatively, if you are aware of a way to retain usage of myISAM with
compound indexes that are longer than 1000 characters, that would be
terrific. We need to index 8 fields, which have utf-8 collations, so
the index size is slightly over the 1000 character limitation.
Answer : MYSQL Question
The simple answer to your question is that 6144 is the starting size. It will auto grow, so don't worry.
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