Question : Can I restore MOSS 2007 single site more than once?
Hi, I am working on MOSS 2007, I have many site collections on port 80.
Now, I want to resotre single site collection more than one time with different URL and different content database on the same port means 80. Can I do this?
Example: I have one site collection on port 80, and URL is:
and data base is "WSS_Content_Accounts"
And I have taken backup of above site as "Accounts.bak" .
Now I want to restore above site 3 times with different URL and different content database on port 80, and URL will be:
1. "
" and content database "WSS_Content_Energy" .
2. "
" and content database "WSS_Content_accounting" .
3. "
" and content database "WSS_Content_energy_accoun
ts" .
And I am using STSADM commond for taking backup and restoration.
Kindly suggest.
Answer : Can I restore MOSS 2007 single site more than once?
Dim lRecs As Long
sql="INSERT INTO table (Order,Quantity) VALUES ('test',10)
With CurrentDb
.execute (sql)
lRecs = .RecordsAffected
End With
If lRecs>0 then ' it happened
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