:: Batch file sample - assumes your mst is called AcroRead.mst
:: Change /qb for /qn to make it completely silent
msiexec /i "Full\Path\To\AcroRead.msi" TRANSFORMS="Full\Path\To\AcroRead.mst" ALLUSERS=1 /norestart /qb
@Echo Adobe Reader Installation returned: %ERRORLEVEL%
'# VBScript sample - assumes your mst is called AcroRead.mst
'# change /qb for /qn to make it completely silent
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ret = wshShell.Run("msiexec /i ""Full\Path\To\AcroRead.msi"" TRANSFORMS=""Full\Path\To\AcroRead.mst"" ALLUSERS=1 /norestart /qb", 1, True)
MsgBox "Adobe Reader install returned: " & ret