Question : Thecus RAID storage device - disk warnings!!
Two of the drives in my Thecus 2TB RAID (4 * 500gb) device display a warning.
The device is a Thecus 1U4500 IP Storage Server, firmware version 2.00.12
Upon clicking through the Warnings about each drive, the results are as follows:
Tray 1
Tray Number 1
Model ST3500320NS
Power On Hours 18573 Hours
Temperature Celsius 36
Reallocated Sector Count 1
Current Pending Sector 0
Raw Read Error Rate 11717515
Seek Error Rate N/A
Hardware ECC Recovered 11717515
Tray 3
Tray Number 3
Model ST3500320NS
Power On Hours 15648 Hours
Temperature Celsius 35
Reallocated Sector Count 4
Current Pending Sector 0
Raw Read Error Rate 150702080
Seek Error Rate N/A
Hardware ECC Recovered 150702080
Should I be worried?
I have two spare drives... but I'm concerned about taking the array down - in case it doesn't come back up again....
What would be the best plan of action?
Out of interest, here is similar information for one of the drives which isn't displaying a warning:
Tray 2 - No Warning on this tray
Tray Number 2
Model ST3500320NS
Power On Hours 18573 Hours
Temperature Celsius 35
Reallocated Sector Count 0
Current Pending Sector 0
Raw Read Error Rate 78871122
Seek Error Rate 157228388
Hardware ECC Recovered 78871122
Answer : Thecus RAID storage device - disk warnings!!
Nothing to worry about. Like I said, the system worked. A few sectors were reallocated. In fact, only 5 reallocated sectors in 15,000+ hours. Not too shabby :)
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