Question : Windows 2003 SBS locks up during full scan of Malwarebytes.

Been noticing that my machine was slowing a bit with some minor issues with a delay in saving a file. I also recently due to personal budget cuts did not renew my McAfee Total Protection Advanced for small business. I did install Malwarebytes the free version.

I went to do a little maintenance to clean things up. I rarely do anything but do update files, software and on occasion in an emergency download a tool from the web like FileZilla or something like that. Never check email and rarely use for browsing. It is for database work.

I ran a QuickScan with Malwarebytes and found the following virus. See Virus Found on QuickScan. I then deleted the virus. Ran it a second time and Malware said no virus found.

Then ran the full scan and it hung up all of Saturday. Something locked up the machine so I did a hard reboot. Then I ran it again and it hung all of Sunday and I followed up with the same thing. See images. Has anyone out there seen this or know what I can do...?

Consequently, I have the latest Microsoft Action Pack subscription that helps with work, sales to customers and solutions for myself. I wondered if it would be safe to update that box with the current Windows 2008 SBS software on it. Then I looked at the list of software that comes with the Action Pack and wondered if there are any tools that can protect me from Virus Malware and problems like that.  Does anyone know if it is fairly safe to update and if the list attached has an powerful security tools that will protect me without having to purchase another Server Anti-virus Software ?

Malware stops or hangs on this file.
Malware stops or hangs on this file.
List of included files you get for one year subscription.
List of included files you get for one year subscription.

Answer : Windows 2003 SBS locks up during full scan of Malwarebytes.

If you are talking about a system lock up where the mouse pointer doesn't even move, that is more likely caused by the CPU overheating. I would look into that first.

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