odbijać się echem $error. "
echo "Zadawalać iść z powrotem i załatwiać te errors.
kostka do gry ();
// uzasadnienie oczekiwać dane istnieć
/*if (! isset ($_POST ["Class_Name"]) ||
! isset ($_POST ["Requestor"]) ||
! isset ($_POST ["Podawca"]) ||
! isset ($_POST ["Recording_Title"]) ||
! isset ($_POST ["Date_Start"]) ||
! isset ($_POST ["Date_End"]) ||
! isset ($_POST ["Start_Time"]) ||
! isset ($_POST ["End_Time"]) ||
isset ($_POST ["Room_Number"]) ||
isset ($_POST ["Internal_external_presentation"]) ||
isset ($_POST ["Student_Presentation"]))
umierać ("My być zmartwiony, ale tam pojawiać się problem z the forma twój submitted."); *
Class_Name = $_POST ["Class_Name"]; // wymagać
$Requestor = $_POST ["first_name"]; // wymagać
$Presenter = $_POST ["Podawca"]; // wymagać
$Recording_Title = $_POST ["Recording_Title"]; // wymagać
$Date_Start = $_POST ["Date_Start"]; // wymagać
$Date_End = $_POST ["Date_End"]; // wymagać
$Start_Time = $_POST ["Start_Time"]; // wymagać
$End_Time = $_POST ["End_Time"]; // wymagać
$Room_Number = $_POST ["Room_Number"]; // wymagać
$Internal_external_presentation = $_POST ["Internal_external_presentation"]; // wymagać
$Student_Presentation = $_POST ["Student_Presentation"]; // wymagać
$Special_Request = $_POST ["Special_Request"];
$email_message = "Formularzowy szczegół formularzowy. \ n \ n";
funkcja clean_string ($string) {
$bad = szyk ("zadawalać-typ", "bcc: ", ": ", "cc: ", "href");
powrotny str_replace ($bad, "", $string);
$email_message. = "Class_Name: " .clean_string (Class_Name). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Requestor: " .clean_string ($Requestor). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Podawca: " .clean_string ($Presenter). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Recording_Title: " .clean_string ($Recording_Title). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Date_Start: " .clean_string ($Date_Start). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Date_End: " .clean_string ($Date_End). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Start_Time: " .clean_string ($Start_Time). "\ n";
$email_message. = "End_Time: " .clean_string ($End_Time). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Room_Number: " .clean_string ($Room_Number). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Internal_external_presentation: " .clean_string ($Internal_external_presentation). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Student_Presentation: " .clean_string ($Student_Presentation). "\ n";
$email_message. = "Special_Request: " .clean_string ($Special_Request). "\ n";
// tworzyć email chodnikowiec
$headers = "Od: ". $email_from. "\ r \ n".
"Odpowiadać-: ". $email_from. "\ r \ n".
"X-Mailer: PHP/". phpversion ();
@mail ($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers);
? >
Dziękować ty dla the Harrisburg Uniwersytet Centrum Pomocy Humanitarnej. My być w kontakcie z ty bardzo wkrótce.