Question : absolute positioning of logo in IE6 not working with CSS styles

On this page:

This logo doesn't appear in IE6 in the upper-left corner:

I don't have IE6 here. I normally ignore IE6, because if you are using it for your main browser, you don't deserve good internet content anyway. But in this case, client is specifically requesting that I fix it, which is difficult to test since I don't have IE6.

I'm hoping someone may know what IE6 doesn't like about my styling of the logo:

img.logo {
            z-index: 1;
            position: absolute;
            left: 0px;
            top: 0px;

...and possibly can test it for me in IE6?

I really don't want to get involved with installing virtual machines, etc., just to check this.

Thank you!!!

Answer : absolute positioning of logo in IE6 not working with CSS styles

It must be the size of the image, so the width.

Looking at my screenshot compared to yours. My screenshot you can see the logo hangs over a bit.

You could try:
Changing the width of the image to see if it shows, if it does - trim the image of whitespace. Or just shrink it.

You could also try adding:
overflow:hidden to the CSS properties.
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