Question : Enterprise Manager setup
Hi Experts,
I am new to oracle and getting into a mess. Have Oracle 11g on a Windows Server 2003 r2 VM server. 1 database - running OK. Have been trying to get the enterprise manager to work. This morning I coiuld see the service in the services, but no longer there. Had tried and command line:
>emca -config dbcontrol dn -repos recreate
It knew the respository was there dropped it but then failed due to listener not running (but it is)
Using lsnrctl status I get this at the end
Services Summary…
Service “AQDV711TESXDB” has 1 instance(s).
Instance “aqdv711tes”, status READY, has 1 handlers for this service…
Service “AQDV711_TES” has 2 instance(s).
Instance “AQDV711TES”, status unknown, has 1 handler(s) for this service…
Instance “aqdv711tes”, status READY, has 1 handlers for this service…
Service “AQDV711_TES_XPT has one instance(s).
Instance “aqdv711tes”, status READY, has 1 handlers for this service…
This morning there was only one instance for each and all in the upppercase of the 1st one showing for service "AQDV711_TES" I suspect at some stage I typed in lower case and these have appeared.
In services I have 2 listeners
tener - is started
11_TES - not started and stops as soon as started
Listener.ora has the following:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = vm-dt-sora11.wlg.ssg.local
)(PORT = 1521))
(ORACLE_HOME = %Oracle_Home%)
I'm now confused and lost.
Ideas and suggestions please
Answer : Enterprise Manager setup
I suggest you try the following:
Using netca
1. delete all listeners on the box
2. Create a new listener
3. Try and recreate the repos
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