Question : Converting GMT to EST
Experts, I'm pulling an XML feed that has a field called "date_time" with dates in this format:
2010-09-05 19:30:00
2010-09-06 20:00:00
2010-09-07 00:00:00
To translate $date_time for my users, I've parsed this data as follows:
$shortdate = substr($date_time,0,10); // Appears as 2010-09-02 23:30
$year = substr($date_time,0,4); // Appears as 2010
$day = substr($date_time,8,2); // Appears as 02
$weekday = date("l", mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$
year)); // Appears as Thursday
$gametime = substr($date_time,11,5); // Appears as 23:30
My users are in the USA Eastern Time Zone.
I am mainly interested in the Day of the Week and the time.
When I run my parsing on this:
2010-09-07 00:00:00
I get: Tuesday, 00:00.
Unfortunately, in New York (EST)
This will confuse my users because the game is really:
Monday, 8:00 PM
What is the best way to turn "2010-09-07 00:00:00" into "Monday, 8:00 PM"?
Thanks in advance!
Answer : Converting GMT to EST
Here You go --
1: 2: 3:
<? echo date("D, h:i A",strtotime("2010-09-07 00:00:00") -3600 *4 ) ; ?>
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