Question : Why is my exchange store still growing?

We have an Exchange 2003 Standard Edition email store that is rapidly growing out of control.  When we turned up the store in April of 2009 the store was 30Gb and it is now 70Gb.  Starting in January of 2010 we began to place quotas and group policies in place to delete unneeded emails and archive good ones.  We have been monitoring event id 1221 for 6 months and have maintained over 5Gb of free space within the store.  In the last 6 months the store size went from 64Gb to 70Gb. Why is the size of the exchange store still growing with so much free space inside the store?

Answer : Why is my exchange store still growing?

From ESM, On view > Select Columns > Include "Deleted Items"
Make an approximate calculation for this Database
Total Size for Mailboxes + Total size for deleted items + white space size (1221 event for this DB) = somewhere near to your DB size?

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