Question : Simple VBA question
The following code will create a string StrHeading of selected items from an Access listbox. If the items selected are Red, Green and Blue, StrHeading will be "Red,Green,Blue". How do replace the right most comma with 'and' to make it "Red,Green and Blue"?
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
StrHeading = StrHeading & ctl.ItemData(varItem) & ", "
Next varItem
If Right(StrHeading, 2) = ", " Then
StrHeading = Left(StrHeading, Len(StrHeading) - 2)
End If
' ...statement-to-replace-la
ith-" and"-here....
Answer : Simple VBA question
Apologies simple mistake on my part, mid$ needs 1 as the start parameter
Dim pos As Integer
pos = InStrRev(StrHeading, ",")
If pos > 0 Then
TextBox2.Text = Mid$(StrHeading,1, pos - 1) & " and " & Mid$(StrHeading,pos + 1)
End If
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