Assume that on your form, you have a TabControl (named TabControl1) with number of TabPages, each of which holds a DataGridView control (named DataGridView1 on the first TabPage) to display data from a CSV file.
Then you can access the DataGridView on the first TabPage by the following code:
Dim oDGW As DataGridView = CType(TabControl1.TabPages(0).Controls("DataGridView1"), DataGridView)
Dim i As Integer = o.Rows.Count
Dim j As Integer = o.Columns.Count
'Then you can add rows, columns using the following code
oDGW .Rows.Add()
oDGW .Columns.Add("NewColumn", "New Column Header")
Or if there is only one control (i.e., a DataGridView) on each TabPage, you can use the following code to get the control:
Dim oDGW As DataGridView = CType(TabControl1.TabPages(0).Controls(0), DataGridView)