Question : How do I hide/show divs in a custom (ascx) control inside an asp:repeater control?
I've got a standard asp:repeatercontrol on an aspx page.
The item template of the repeater contains a custom user control.
The custom user control contains a <div>.
I'd like to be able to hide/show the div-->> PaymentInfoType using javascript without postbacks.
I know I have to somehow dynamically name the div, but I'm unsure of how to do
that when it's in a custom control.
I've found examples which are close, but they deal with controls and divs
embedded directly in the item template.
This is what my asp:repeater control looks like:
<div id="div1">
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" >
<table border="1" width="800px">
<strong> Repeater Header</strong>
<td class="indent vmid">
<uc1:CustomUserControl ID="CustomUserControl1" runat="server"
Index ='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,
"ItemIndex") %>'
FullName='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.
DataItem, "FullName") %>'
This is what a snippet of my custom user control looks like (ascx)
<asp:Label ID="lTravelerTourCenterID"
Width="10" runat="server" Visible="false"/>
<asp:Label ID="lFullName" Width="170" runat="server" />
<div class="rowPayment smaller mrgl30" id="PaymentInfoType" runat="server" visible="false">
<div class="columnA" id="divCheck" runat="server" >
<exp:Check ID="checkPayment" runat="server" />
Thanks very much in advance,
Answer : How do I hide/show divs in a custom (ascx) control inside an asp:repeater control?
sure, create a forward lookup zone like
inside it, create an A record for "*" no quotes
assign it whatever ip address you want
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