Question : Dynamically building an image menu?
I have a website that I want to build up the menu based on fields in a database.
My table structure is:
ID | User | Role | Path | Image
So for example an Admin would have the Full Menu, while a user might only have the Partial menu (see below)
On my page I currently have a panel and all the images. Based on what is in the database I turn on or off the image. Ideally I would like to further extend this so that I would dynamically add the image buttons to the panel as opposed to loading everything and then deciding what to do.
Anyone have any tips, or better solutions to such a dynamic menu system?
(4 KB)
(File Type Details)
Full Menu
(4 KB)
(File Type Details)
Partial Menu
Answer : Dynamically building an image menu?
Okay I found what your previous post is refering about its hidden towards the bottom. It's the wrong id so change the last line to this and it should work. See code section
1: 2:
' login button ie.Document.getElementById("login").Click
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