Question : Updating a table using SQL and variables
I need to update tblPAA with variables defined in the sub procedure.
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblPPA (intPPAID, intIncidentID, txtPPAEffectiveDate, txtPPAPeriod, datPPAExpiryDate, txtFirstName, txtMiddleName, txtLastName, txtAddress, txtCity, txtStateProv, txtPostalZip, txtDOB, txtDatedDate, txtInvestigator, intViolationSelfExclusion)
SELECT (strPPANum, intIncidentID, datPPAEffectiveDate, strPPAPeriod, datPPAExpiryDate, strFirstName, strMiddleName, strLastName, txtAddress, txtCity, txtStateProv, txtPostalZip, datDOB, datDate, strInvestigator, strViolationSE);"
When I run this line of code I get: "syntax error (comma) in query expression"
Answer : Updating a table using SQL and variables
try this
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblPPA (intPPAID, intIncidentID, txtPPAEffectiveDate, txtPPAPeriod, datPPAExpiryDate, txtFirstName, txtMiddleName, txtLastName, txtAddress, txtCity, txtStateProv, txtPostalZip, txtDOB, txtDatedDate, txtInvestigator, intViolationSelfExclusion)
Values ('" & strPPANum & "',"& intIncidentID &", #"& datPPAEffectiveDate &"#,'" & strPPAPeriod & "', #"& datPPAExpiryDate &"#, '" & strFirstName & "', '" & strMiddleName & "', '" & strLastName & "', '" & txtAddress & "', '" & txtCity & "', '" & txtStateProv & "', '" & txtPostalZip & "', #"& datDOB &"#, #"& datDate &"#, '" & strInvestigator & "', '" & strViolationSE & "');"
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