Question : Cant move or purge mailbox
Hi, I'm trying to de-promote an exchange server from the organasition. unfortunately the last remaining mailbox is refusing to move of delete.
When I try to move i get the following error:
- <item adsPath="test1" class="user">
<progress code="4" milliseconds="23407">Movin
g messages.</progress>
- <summary isWarning="false" errorCode="0xc1054005">
The MAPI call failed. MAPI or an unspecified service provider. ID no: 80004005-0000-00000000
When i go to exchange tasks and select delete, the mailbox correctly enters a state for purging. When i select purge, nothing happens.
Is there some way where i can manually delete the mailbox from the database?
Ultimately my goal is to just get the exchange server demoted, perhaps there is a way to get there mailstore deleted regardless of the mailbox which resides in it?
Any help is much appreciated..
Answer : Cant move or purge mailbox
Try the Load Optimized Defaults first., If that doesn't work try the other one. Good luck.
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