Question : how to indent a block of text
I have a block of text which I need them to look like this:
ITCAM for Developers
1. Obtaining ITCAM access
2. ITCAM Access Request Form
3. MOD request form
Opening a HEAT Self-Service Ticket
Click on the following link: HEAT Self-Service then click on Help > Submit an ESEF Help
Desk Ticket. Specify WebSphere z/OS and the application cluster or cell name.
as you see some of them are list and some are not. but I need them to be aligned.
I used list to make then all aligned, it works, but I do not like to see the warning on the side:
"invalid location of tag p" .
<h2>ITCAM for Developers</h2>
<li><a href="ITCAM access request for Developers.doc">Obtaining TCAM access</a></li>
<li><a href="ITCAM Access Request Form.doc">ITCAM Access Request Form</a></li>
<li><a href="ITCAM Monitoring on Demand request form.doc">MOD request form</a></li>
<h2>Opening a HEAT Self-Service Ticket</h2>
style="display: inline;">Click on the following link: <a
/>HEAT Self-Service</a> then
click on Help > Submit an ESEF Help Desk Ticket.<br>
Specify WebSphere z/OS and the application cluster or cell name.</p>
Answer : how to indent a block of text
You can disable that with CSS, too. Per <li> use the following code:
<li style="list-style-type:non
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