Question : Network testers
Good afternoon,
I have been looking for a system that can monitor a network, bandwidth, lost packet, type of packet etc., but can only really find really expensive devices.
What I would like to do is install some software on a laptop or similar PC device, which has 2 network ports on, whatever comes in on one network, is mirrored to the other, and the software then analyse the packets between the two.
I would like it then to give some type of results, for instance the number of a particular type of packet between 10-11, and maybe the amount of packet failures that happen.
I would like to take this box out to a site, plug it in, switch it on, and leave it for about a week to analyse the data, and when I go to collect it manage to download the data and analyse.
As you can probably tell, I’m not that really that clued up on this, I have just been asked to find a solution, but the solutions I can find are in excess of £6k, which I think is a bit much for the limited amount of times I want to be able to use it.
Any assistance or pointers would be gratefully received.
Thank you
Answer : Network testers
for msome licenses you need to restart the Firewall to get it effective
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