Question : Websphere 7.0 shutsdown automatically - not known how
We've Websphere 7.0 with FP 11 on a Windows 2008 Enterprise R2 64-bit system running successfully. We're experiencing the node manager & server to be down after inactive use (but the CellManager runs fine always). This means, there're no errors as such noticed in the log files, but after sometime of inactive use, the node & server shutsdown. An example would be, every morning I've to start the node agent & the server. If I don't access Websphere, sometimes, by evening the node & server are shutdown automatically & I've to once again run startnode & startserver. However, if I keep using them once in a while througout the day, I don't see them being shutdown. Pls let me know if any further information is required & I'll be glad to provide. Thanks.
Hopefully I get an answer this time!!!
Answer : Websphere 7.0 shutsdown automatically - not known how
Is your nodeagent runs via services? if not then when you logoff from windows 2008 it will kill the nodeagent pid.
If this not your case then you need to check if any javacore or core is created for nodeagent or app server..
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