Question : Corsair Hydro Cooling H50 vs. CoolIt ECO A.L.C. vs. Performance air cooling
I am trying to compare results from the Corsair Hydro Cooling H50, the CoolIt ECO A.L.C. and Performance air cooling. I basically am looking to get the lowest possible temperatures I can get for for less than $100.
I have visited many sites and forums, but they all seem to weigh in the same. I would prefer a liquid cooled system, but do not want to build my own cooling system (too many headaches).
I am looking for graphical charts and/or numbers on all three with tests made with similar systems.
Can any body help me to make a well informed decision?
Answer : Corsair Hydro Cooling H50 vs. CoolIt ECO A.L.C. vs. Performance air cooling
Ah here we go, the entire CoolIt product line vs a stock Intel fan:
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