Question : How to display a web page of application in another application in ASP.NET
I have 3 web applications.
AppLauncherWebApp has Default.aspx. This Default.aspx is a webcontent page and inherited from master page. In the master page design I have a navigation panel on the left-side of master page which contains two link buttons.
lnkbutton1 -> it display's default.aspx page of CustomerWebApp
lnkbutton2-> it display's default.aspx page of UserWebApp
when the user clicks the lnkbutton1 on default.aspx of AppLauncherWebApp. I want to display
default.aspx page of CustomerWebApp in webcontent page of AppLauncherWebApp(i.e instead of displaying the the default.aspx page of CustomerWebApp in the new browser. I want to display in the webcontent page of AppLauncherWebApp).
If the user clicks the lnkbutton2 on default.aspx of AppLauncherWebApp. I want to display
default.aspx page of UserWebApp in webcontent page of AppLauncherWebApp
Answer : How to display a web page of application in another application in ASP.NET
Hi kravindra,
How about using IFRAMES here?
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