Question : VBA to open C:\
Is there a way to just open up the C: drive. Right now I have:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "WOEmailReport", acFormatPDF, "c:\" & Me.WOID & ".pdf"
which saves a pdf copy of a work order on the user's hard drive. I want a message box to open that says 'A copy of your work order is HERE" - "HERE" being a hyperlink that opens up the location on the computer where the PDF was saved. Does that make sense? Yes, I can just have the message box say it was saved to the C drive, but then I will get calls from the less saavy users 'How do I get to the C drive?'. I am not sure this is possible. I know you can do it in reg VB, but not sure about VBA. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Answer : VBA to open C:\
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