Question : Replaced our SQL Server and now ALL reports are BROKE!
I was just informed that our IT departments REPLACED our SQL Server. Now all of our Crystal Reports in INFOVIEWS are broke. Most have the following errors:
Failed to open the connection. Pull Through Report In Units.rpt Details: [Database Vendor Code: 4060 ]
The database logon information for this report is either incomplete or incorrect.
How do I RESET the DATABASE LOCATION that is assigned in BO Infoview? Is there a single entry to make in CMC or am I really screwed and now have to update each report's database login credentials....indiviually
Answer : Replaced our SQL Server and now ALL reports are BROKE!
I don't know JavaScript very well, but JavaScript is not Java.. they only have their names in common. You want to put your question under prog languages/scripting languages/JavaScript. Good luck!
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