Question : Finding the oldest date from a set of max dates
I have a lot of history that I need to group by product. I take the most recent update date for each product, then I need to get the Oldest of those most recent dates.
So I start by grouping by product ID to get the most recent update date.
select product_id, max(updateDate)
from productChanges
where company_id = 123
group by product_id
Now I need to get the Oldest from that set of data so that I have one date for company 123
I have tried this but it's giving an error...
select min(theDate)
from (
select max(updateDate) as theDate
from productChanges
where company_id = 123
group by product_id
What's the correct syntax to get the oldest date from a set of max() dates?
Answer : Finding the oldest date from a set of max dates
You can use below code for the same.
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