Question : Win 7 and XP dual boot
I have a T510 that I installed Win 7 64 bit on...working great...
I created another partition to install XP Pro 32 bit on...
I now have 3 partitions...C:\ for Win 7...D:\ for Data and E:\ that I want to install XP on...
The Win 7 partition is set in BIOS to ACHI...
XP requires Lenovo's "compatibility mode"...ATA...
I downloaded the ATA driver from Lenovo, (6mim25ww.exe)...ran the exe on another comptuer that has an internal floppy drive...
Then I put the drives on a floppy disk...attaced a USB floppy drive to the T510...
Started to install XP, hit F6, pointed to the drivers on the floppy...Xp continued to load for a minute or two...
Then BSOD'd with a 0x7B stop error...
I want Win 7 to appear on the top of the boot menu, that way Win 7 will be the default boot OS...
How can I install XP AFTER I have Win 7 installed and handle the AHCI / ATA issue...???
Answer : Win 7 and XP dual boot
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