Question : Issues with Outlook meeting requests updating across all attendees.
Recently we have been having some issues with users' outlook calendars.
The issue is with a group of 4 people with 1 of them having full access to the other 3 calendars and email (A secretary).
What is happening is when the secretary creates, edits or deletes meetings randomly some calendars will not update.
EG. Secretary creates a meeting, all users accept she then opens up her shared calendars and make sure they appear in all calendars. She then edits the meeting to a different day and makes sure everyone accepts the changes. She then goes into the calendars and only 2/3 would have updated even though they all accepted.
The above scenario can be completely random... Sometimes the initial meeting requests will not show up, sometimes it effects all of the 3 users sometimes 1 etc. Even deleting meetings can cause the issue where it will stay in 1 users calendar but be removed from the other 2.
I have tried deleting and re-sharing calendars, removing and then re-creating all the mailbox permissions. I have even tried making new PST files for their outlooks.
Any help on this issue would be great as I cannot find the cause and it has lead to some meetings being missed due to the calendar not updating.
Answer : Issues with Outlook meeting requests updating across all attendees.
Have you tested contacts? If your email and contacts are working, try deleting the acct on the phone and recreating it. Also, can you view calendar in OWA?
Posted via EE Mobile
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