With only 5 other possibilities, it'd be somewhat iffy to get a truly random item, but you can do use the Rnd and Randomize function as shown below to "order" a temporary table in random order. I had a table named "tCustomers", and built a query to show my new randomly ordered data.
See this site, where I shamelessly copied the core ideas for this method:
http://www.fontstuff.com/vba/vbatut02.htmNote that I added a query named "qryRandomRecords". The SQL for that query is:
SELECT TOP 25 tmpCustomers.sName, tmpCustomers.sStreet, tmpCustomers.RandomNumber
FROM tmpCustomers
ORDER BY tmpCustomers.RandomNumber;
You could use this to build a temp table for your salespeople, then just grab the first record returned by that query:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = Currentdb.OpenRecords("SEL
ECT TOP 1 FROM qryRandomRecords")
Msgbox rst.Fields(0)