Question : Bilateral Referential Integrity
Say I have a table of products sold at a superstore that carries everything from soup to lawnmower nuts, and a sub table for each category of product sold.
The main table has all of the attributes that are common to all products; eg.,name, supplier, UPC, price, inventory, reorder point, etc.
The sub tables have the attributes that are unique to that category of product; eg. the FreshFood sub table might have a BestBeforeDate attribute; the SportingGoods sub table might have a Season attribute. There is a 1-1 relationship between the main table and each sub table.
How can I establish referential integrity between the main table and the sub tables so that you can't delete a record in the main table if there is a related record in one of the sub tables, and vise versa?
Answer : Bilateral Referential Integrity
Check this:
response.write "key: " & objRow.getAttribute("prima
ry-key") & " ---- " & objRow.text & "<br>"
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