Question : Windows 2000 crash
My boss decided to delete a ton of files from his old Windows 2000 machine. After the delete, the machine boots to the blue screen of death. There are a host of applications he uses every day, so I need to get it back up for him.
1. Can I re-install from the original Windows 2000 disks and keep his applications and settings?
2. Can I upgrade to XP or another OS and keep his applications and settings?
How do I force the upgrade, when I can't boot to the OS. XP upgrade wants to
install over the existing OS and remove all apps and settings
3. Can I repair this now defective 2000 OS.
The hard drive is fine, Spinrite checked it out ok. The unit boots to DOS. Safe mode, VGA mode, etc. all die at the video driver load.
Warnings: Do not tell me I can't upgrade 2000 to XP at all. I've done it. The reason I can't now, is the XP CD wants to install over the existing OS since I can't start the XP install from inside Windows 2000. If you don't have a pro-active solution, don't bother posting reasons why something can't be done. Your wasting my time and yours. It's an annoyance.
Answer : Windows 2000 crash
Yes you can. You can to a Repair of from the Win 2000 CD. Depending on how mesed up is is will determine what you have when your done.
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