Question : Question on VBA call worksheet.function and self defined function
Hi experts,
I am having difficulties working on the following code, the environment is Excel VBA.
// for this one, I tried to call function now() to return the current system date and time
// however, now() is simply not listed under WorksheetFunction, I tried to find something like //DateTime(), time(), but could not find it
ActiveCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunct
// for this one, I tried to call a self-defind function/method getName() to return the system user name, in // order to confusion, I simply copied the code for getName() right within the same module, but it // is still now working. getName is also saved in Module 1
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = GetName()
I appreciate your attention and time.
Answer : Question on VBA call worksheet.function and self defined function
Yes...but for other products. Go to the software download section and find what you need. When you try to download it will ask you to setup account
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