Question : I have a strange problem in writting an MSSQL Query
I am trying to write a quary and I cannot excute it because some table & field asscoiated with them are marked as in valid. but I can run the problem and update, add, and edit these tables.
and I can display them in vwd and show the rows added to these tables.
but if I try to execute a simple select * from
this table is marked with a red underline saying it is invalid ...thier are three tables that give me this proble all the rest i have no proble with. The below table are all keyed together?? what could be wrong.
I am logged as window authication, running inlocal host.
and I was able to execute a query from the query widow just once on these table
Answer : I have a strange problem in writting an MSSQL Query
put the table name is square brackets
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